Out of Hours Support

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Out of Hours Support

If you require support outside of your counselling session or are not a client but you are looking for support, I have listed a number of organisations that may be able to assist you:

Campaign Against Living Miserably (movement against suicide)

www.thecalmzone.net  Tel: 0800 58 58 58

Cruse Bereavement Care (grief support)

www.cruse.org.uk  Tel: 0808 808 1677

Emergency Services (for life threatening emergencies)

Tel: 999


Mind Mental Health (general mental health support)

www.mind.org.uk  Text: 86463  Tel: 02920 402040 (Cardiff Mind)

No Panic (anxiety support)

www.nopanic.org.uk  Tel: 0300 7729844

Papyrus UK (suicide support for under 35s)

www.papyrus-uk.org  Tel: 0800 0684141 / 07860039967

Rise Cardiff (support for women, children and young people experiencing any form of violence or abuse)

rise-cardiff.cymru   Tel: 02920 460566

Samaritans (support for anyone in emotional distress)

www.samaritans.org  Tel: 116 123

SANDS (stillbirth and neonatal death charity)

www.sands.org.uk  Tel: 0808 164 3332

SHOUT (24/7 text support service)

giveusashout.org  Tel: 85258


SOBS (for survivors of bereavement by suicide)

uksobs.org  Tel: 0300 111 5065

The Silver Line (helpline providing advice, support and friendship to older people)

thesilverline.org.uk  Tel: 0800 4 70 80 90

Let's Talk

The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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